Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
The River
August 28, 2016
On our journey of faith we might wonder, "Can we follow Jesus without being an active part of His body, the church?" It's easy to become disillusioned when the church isn't what it should be. On August 28th, 2016 we looked at five principles of the early church that should be part of our churches today, as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading Acts chapter 2 in preparation for this message: The River. Click on the image to listen.
August 21, 2016
Acts 2:38 tells us that when we come into Christ through immersion His Spirit comes into us. But what does that mean for us as followers of Christ. On August 21st, 2016 we learned what the Holy Spirit does within the believer as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading John chapter 14 in preparation for this message: Vapor. Click on the image to listen.
August 14, 2016
"When he came to his senses" the Prodigal Son realized what it meant to belong to his father. That realization would guide his life. Our realization guides us as we live for our Father God. On August 14th, 2016 we looked at our identities in Christ as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 15 in preparation for this message: Clean. Click on the image to listen.
August 7, 2016
Each of us are drowning in our mistakes. But Jesus has everything to save us. Yet, many of us still reject that offer of salvation. On August 7th, 2016 we confronted our excuses as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading Acts chapter 16 in preparation for this message: Drink. Click on the image to listen.
July 31, 2016
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned and come up short. Each of us are drowning in our mistakes. But through Jesus, God reaches out to save us from death. On July 31st, 2016 we took His hand as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading Luke chapter 23 in preparation for this message: Drowning. Click on the image to listen.
July 24, 2016
Solomon had tried it all. Yet, as he describes, it was all meaningless. It all just left him thirsting for something that would satisfy. When we try to find our own satisfaction we end up thirsty. But Jesus describes Himself as the one who satisfies. On July 24th, 2016 we wandered through parched lands as we set out again in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading Ecclesiastes chapter 2 in preparation for this message: Mirage. Click on the image to listen.
July 17, 2016
Like the Samaritan woman, we're all in search of something satisfying, something pure. There Jesus was, sitting beside the well, waiting to offer her living water. He offers it to you as well. On July 17th, 2016 we continued in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading John 4:1-43 in preparation for this message: Pure. Click on the image to listen.
July 10, 2016
When we follow our faith to its source we find a loving heavenly Father. But for some of us, because of our relationship with our own fathers, it's hard to think of God that way. Yet, it doesn't change who He is. On July 10th, 2016 we turned to God crying "Daddy" as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading John 3:1-21 in preparation for this message: Source. Click on the image to listen.
July 3, 2016
Perhaps a public apology is in order ... on behalf of Christianity. We have often misrepresented Jesus to our world. We have polluted the church. On July 3rd, 2016 we purified ourselves as we continue in H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading Luke 15:1-32 in preparation for this message: Polluted. Click on the image to listen.
June 26, 2016
Blaise Pascal once said, "All of us have a hole in our hearts. We all have a vacuum that is shaped like God. He is the only one who fits." Yet, we live in a world that has rejected God, a world which is Thirsty for Him. On June 26th, 2016 we began a new series entitled H2O, A Journey of Faith. Please join us in reading John 7:1-39 in preparation for this message: Thirsty. Click on the image to listen.