Pleasant Grove
Church of Christ
Teaching People to Follow Jesus
Be Mature
The Marks of Spiritual Maturity
August 15, 2021
We all bear scars that mark our bodies reminding us of the pain we have experienced in our lives. We also bear marks that remind us of our experiences with Jesus. On August 15, 2021, we will be challenged to apply the five marks of spiritual maturity in Christ that James offers us throughout his book. Please join us in reading James 1-5 in preparation for this message: The Marks of Spiritual Maturity. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
A Faithful Prayer
August 8, 2021
Many of us, as followers of Christ, have become spiritually stagnant because we’ve forgotten the significance of faith-filled prayer in our lives. James, in his letter to the church, helps us rediscover the importance of prayer as we grow spiritually mature in Christ. On August 8, 2021, we will be challenged to pray, believing that God will answer according to His desire for us. Please join us in reading James 5 in preparation for this message: A Faithful Prayer. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
The Power of Patience
July 25, 2021
We may wonder how long God is going to simply sit back allowing our world to slip deeper and deeper into degradation. With ever sunrise, it seems like our world becomes a bit more sinful. It’s hard to keep from crying out to God, “How much longer are You going to let this go on?” On July 25, 2021, we will learn to be patient as we wait on the Lord to make all things right and be challenged to view the struggles in our lives as opportunities to mature in Christ. Please join us in reading James 5 in preparation for this message: The Power of Patience. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Money Trouble
July 18, 2021
Often, we tend think if we just have a little more money our problems will magically go away. Unfortunately, our problems seem to grow right along with our accounts, compounding our stress and struggles. On July 18, 2021, we will learn the value of money and how to utilize the blessings God has given us for his glory and the furtherment of his kingdom. Please join us in reading James 5 in preparation for this message: Money Trouble. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Planning Ahead
July 11, 2021
Recognizing God’s will for our lives is something with which many of us struggle. It begins with obeying God’s general will for us as followers of Christ, then becomes more specific as we discover our spiritual gifts that He has given us. On July 11, 2021, we will learn to recognize God’s will for us and be challenged to respond to Him without holding back. Please join us in reading James 4 in preparation for this message: Planning Ahead. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Stopping the Wars
July 4, 2021
Conflict isn’t an unfamiliar concept in our world. Yet, it’s easy for us to point our finger and say, “They are the ones to blame.” On July 4, 2021, we will recognize our part in the wars we are fighting against ourselves, those around us, and God, and be challenged to pursue God and his ways that bring about peace. Please join us in reading James 4 in preparation for this message: Stopping the Wars. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
About Wisdom
June 27, 2021
In our education driven society, our focus on amassing knowledge has not necessarily equated to a wiser world. Even those who are wise according to the world’s standard are often lacking godly wisdom. On June 27, 2021, we will contrast what the world calls wisdom with the wisdom that comes from God and be challenged to pursue true spiritual wisdom. Please join us in reading James 3 in preparation for this message: About Wisdom. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Little Big Troublemaker
June 13, 2021
There are few things as powerful in this world as our tongues. On June 13, 2021, we will examine three characteristics of our tongues to help us understand of what they are capable, both good and bad. Then, we will be challenged to give control of our tongues to the Lord that they might be a blessing and not a curse to those around us. Please join us in reading James 2 in preparation for this message: Little Big Troublemaker. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
False Faith
June 6, 2021
Many people have faith, but James reveals that not every faith saves. How can we know if our faith is enough? On June 6, 2021, we will examine three kinds of faith, and be challenged to follow the examples of Abraham and Rahab by taking hold of a saving faith that involves our minds, emotions, and actions. Please join us in reading James 1 in preparation for this message: False Faith. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Rich & Poor
May 30, 2021
Talk is cheap when it is not supported by action. Too often we fail to realize that our relationships with those around us reveal the depth of what we believe about God. On May 30, 2021, we will be challenged to put what we claim to believe into action through the way we treat those in our life. Please join us in reading James 5 in preparation for this message: Rich & Poor. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Quit Kidding Yourself
May 23, 2021
We often think those living outside of God’s will are those in the world, but Jesus explained there will also be many who think they are His followers who will find in the end He never knew them. James, in his book, addresses this spiritual reality as he helps us understand our relationship with God through His Word. On May 23, 2021, we will be challenged to receive, practice, and share God’s Word every day. Please join us in reading James 4 in preparation for this message: Quit Kidding Yourself. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
How to Handle Temptations
May 16, 2021
Some trials we face are due to the situations in which we find ourselves. Others come from within us. In the book of James, the apostle calls these trials temptations. Since the beginning humankind has struggled with temptation. On May 16, 2021 we will be empowered with three facts about ourselves, as followers of Christ, that will help us have victory over temptation. Please join us in reading James 3 in preparation for this message: How to Handle Temptation. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Turning Trials into Triumphs
May 9, 2021
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” The Bible is filled with stories of those who were blessed in the midst of their struggles. On May 9, 2021 we will follow their examples by implementing four essentials that will turn the trials we face into triumphs. Please join us in reading James 2 in preparation for this message: Turning Trials into Triumphs. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.
Time to Grow Up
May 2, 2021
Not everyone who grows old grows up. There is a distinct difference between age and maturity. Many Christians today suffer from various problems that result from a singular influencing factor: spiritual immaturity. On May 2, 2021 we will be introduced to the book of James and his call for Jesus followers to grow to maturity in Christ and be challenged to examine our hearts to see where we are in our walk with our Lord. Please join us in reading James 1 in preparation for this message: Time to Grow Up. Click on the image to listen. Click on the Facebook logo to watch.